Robin Petch & Kris Simpson - BIOGRAPHY

Robin, assisted by his wife Kris, is the Project Director of, Chair of Trustees and Yorkshire Regional Co-ordinator for the SeaWatch Foundation and Cetacean Consultant for International Dolphin Watch. Both experienced teachers, they have devoted much of their time to developing an understanding of marine conservation issues amongst children and adults and Robin now also works as both an on-board naturalist and skipper on whale watching boats and gives talks and presentations for clubs, groups and event organsisers as well as cruise ship passengers.

Like many people, they became fascinated by dolphins as children but first became actively involved during a working holiday studying whales in Newfoundland. Since that time they have devoted much of their lives to whale and dolphin conservation with International Dolphin Watch and Sea Watch Foundation.

The website is created and edited (occasionally!) by Robin, while Kris researches some of the content and provides advice and support! Much in demand for talks, presentations and workshops, they are Founder Members of the International Conference of Self Knowledge in Milan and skilled communicators with adults and children although these days, only Robin gives the lectures and presentations. Robin has created a new business to publicise and market this aspect of his work.

As Regional Co-ordinator for the SeaWatch Foundation  Robin is working to encourage members of the public to become involved in recording UK whale, dolphin and porpoise sightings. The  scheme supports this by providing a local contact for reporting sightings, especially on the coast of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

They have been closely involved with Dr. Horace Dobbs’ "Dilo" stories and are proud to have co-written "Dilo’s Fun and Activities Book" and "Fascinating Facts about Dolphins and their World" with Horace. They have also produced a range of educational materials and are still regularly involved with Horace and IDW.

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